HackerRank Python Solution - Built-Ins - Zipped!

Zip([iterable, ...]):
  • This function returns a list of tuples. The ith tuple contains the ith element from each of the argument sequences or iterables.
  • If the argument sequences are of unequal lengths, then the returned list is truncated to the length of the shortest argument sequence.
Sample Code:

>>> print zip([1,2,3,4,5,6],'Hacker')
[(1, 'H'), (2, 'a'), (3, 'c'), (4, 'k'), (5, 'e'), (6, 'r')]
>>> print zip([1,2,3,4,5,6],[0,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1])
[(1, 0), (2, 9), (3, 8), (4, 7), (5, 6), (6, 5)]
>>> A = [1,2,3]
>>> B = [6,5,4]
>>> C = [7,8,9]
>>> X = [A] + [B] + [C]
>>> print zip(*X)
[(1, 6, 7), (2, 5, 8), (3, 4, 9)]
  • The National University conducts an examination of N students in X subjects.
  • Your task is to compute the average scores of each student.
HackerRank Python Solution - Built-Ins - Zipped!
  • The format for the general mark sheet is:
Student ID → ___1_____2_____3_____4_____5__               
Subject 1   |  89    90    78    93    80
Subject 2   |  90    91    85    88    86  
Subject 3   |  91    92    83    89    90.5
Average        90    91    82    90    85.5 
Input Format:
  • The first line contains N and X separated by a space.
  • The next X lines contains the space-separated marks obtained by students in a particular subject.
  • 0 < N < = 100
  • 0 < X <= 100
Output Format:
  • Print the averages of all students on separate lines.
  • The averages must be correct up to 1 decimal place.
Sample Input:

5 3
89 90 78 93 80
90 91 85 88 86  
91 92 83 89 90.5
Sample Output:

  • Marks obtained by student 1: 89, 90, 91. Average marks of student 1: 270/3 = 90
  • Marks obtained by student 2: 90, 91, 92. Average marks of student 2: 273/3 = 91
  • Marks obtained by student 3: 78, 85, 83. Average marks of student 3: 246/3 = 82
  • Marks obtained by student 4: 93, 88, 89. Average marks of student 4: 270/3 = 90
  • Marks obtained by student 5: 80, 86, 90.5. Average marks of student 5: 256.5/3 = 85.5

N, X = list(map(int,input().split()))

marks = []
for _ in range(X):
    sub_marks = list(map(float,input().split()))
for mark in zip(*marks):
    avg = sum(mark)/len(mark)
Disclaimer: The problem statement is given by hackerrank.com but the solution is generated by the Geek4Tutorial admin. If there is any concern regarding this post or website, please contact us using the contact form. Thank you!

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